04Mar2014 Mrs. Emilia Gjeroska will be leading the Center for Development of Pelagonija planning region in the next 4 years by elite_user in новости-en
18Feb2014 Oглас за ангажирање на Предавач за потребите на Проектот: “Иновативни eдукативни програми за зајакнување на природните ресурси во прекуграничниот регион Пелагонија/Лерин – ЗОО Иноватива by elite_user in НОВОСТИ
12Feb2014 Announcement for engagement of Lecturer for the needs of the Project: “Innovative Educational Programmes Enhancing the Environmental Resources of the Cross Border Region Pelagonija/ Florina- ZOO INNOVATIVE” by elite_user in новости-en
03Feb2014 A N N O U N C E M E N T Municipal Public institution ZOO GARDEN BITOLA IS PUBLISHING AN ANNOUNCEMENT FOR ENGAGING EXPERT FOR THE PROJECT “Innovative educational programmes enhancing the environmental resources of the cross-border region Pelagonija/Florina – Zoo Innovativa” by elite_user in новости-en
02Feb2014 Center for Development of Pelagonija region is publishing an Announcement for engagement of Lecturer for the needs of the Project: “Innovative Educational Programmes Enhancing the Environmental Resources of the Cross Border Region Pelagonija/ Florina- ZOO INNOVATIVE” by elite_user in новости-en
16Jan2014 An agreement between CDPPR and GIZ RED for realization of projects within the PBG Grant Scheme has been signed by elite_user in новости-en
12Dec2013 Training session Introduction to IPA in organization of the Center for education of the Secretariat for European Affairs by elite_user in новости-en
04Dec2013 Promotion of the strategy for cultural development of the Pelagonia planning region occured by elite_user in новости-en