Center for development of Pelagonija region has been partner in the Programme for decentralized cooperation between Republic of Macedonia and Normandy since 2010. In the framework of this Programme, a Network for cultural development of Pelagonija has been established including all relevant cultural development stakeholders in the region, coordinated by CDPPR. In partnership with NGO Lokomotiva from Skopje, CDPPR prepared Strategy for cultural development of Pelagonija region for the period 2013-2016. This Strategy is the first document that considers cultural development on regional level in accordance with the National Strategy for cultural development. Within the Programme, CDPPR in partnership with NGO Lokomotiva and Mixed Syndicate of Mont Saint Michelle Bay implemented the project Role of the culture in territorial development and social cohesion. Within this project, second edition of Regional Days of Culture in Pelagonija has been realized. In 2014, CDPPR and its French counterparts Mixed Syndicate of Mont Saint Michelle Bay signed Memo for cooperation.
During 2015, a project called Developed legacy, vector of relations and foundation for regional identity started its implementation. This project will be realized during 2015 and 2016 on both, Pelagonija and Normandy territory. In the initial project phase, a tourism product including all relevant stakeholders has been developed, an institutional representatives from Normandy visit and meetings with Pelagonija cultural institution representatives were implemented. Furthermore, thru joint process, third edition of Regional Days of Culture in Pelagonija were organized comprehending 10 cultural events in all municipalities in Pelagonija. Within the decentralized cooperation, an Android application for 5 hiking trails on Baba Mountain has been developed. All 5 hiking trails and the cultural heritage along them have been accordingly revised and touristically reevaluated.