On October 14th in Skopje, in presence of Deputy Minister of RM for economic affairs Mr. Vladimir Pesevski, Minister of Local Self Government of RM Mr. Lirim Shabani, Delegation of the EU to the RM and German international cooperation (GIZ) representatives, Mayors and Centers for regional development managers, outcomes of the Scheme for Financial Support were presented.
Within the SFS scheme 10 projects with total of 300.000 EUR were supported. 8 of the projects were regional and 2 interregional. Overall implementation estimation of all prepared project reaches up to 38 million EUR. Areas of intervention by prepared projects were tourism and environmental protection.
During the event, CDPPR presented our project outcomes-Study for development of Pelagonija as adventure travel destination, visual identity of the region as adventure travel destination and lessons learned during the study trip in Veneto region Italy.
This promo event was also used to discuss the possibilities for further funding of prepared project outcomes.