A N N O U N C E M E N T Municipal Public institution ZOO GARDEN BITOLA IS PUBLISHING AN ANNOUNCEMENT FOR ENGAGING EXPERT FOR THE PROJECT "Innovative educational programmes enhancing the environmental resources of the cross-border region Pelagonija/Florina – Zoo Innovativa”
MPI Zoo Garden Bitola invites all qualified individuals who are interested to participate in the realization of project activities in the framework of this project, to submit necessary documents in accordance with the procedure for selection of experts for one day joint training in Bitola.
Lead partner of the project: Center for Development of Pelgonija Planning Region
Partners of the project:
- Development Agency of Florina ANFLO
- Municipality of Bitola
- Municipality of Florina
- Zoo Garden Bitola
Overall objective of the project: To contribute to the improvement of natural resources in the border region Pelagonia/Florina through the creation and management of innovative products and services in order to raise general awareness in the border region for the importance of the participation in the protection and promotion of the environmental resources.
Expected results:
• Enhancement of natural resources in the border region;
• Implemented educational programs;
• Establishment and actively functioning voluntary system in the ZOO Garden Bitola;
• Targeting a wider audience (approximately 20,000) with information about the importance of environmental resources through innovative educational programs;
• Building institutional capacity for environmental protection and the protection of biodiversity;
• Construction of a modern infrastructure in the zoo by EAZA standards;
• Increased awareness of the protection of natural resources in the border region through a broad, innovative digital media campaign.
Financed by:
‘Greece- The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia IPA Cross-border Programme 2007-2013’, component of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA)
and the Ministry of Local Government of R. Macedonia
Criteria for selection of an Expert:
For the purposes of the above project, an expert needs to be engaged who will conduct a one day joint training in Bitola, on the topic:
• Developing a Rulebook for Zoo Garden Bitola (Set of internal procedures for the work of Zoo Bitola).
The aim of the training is developing a Rulebook for Zoo Garden Bitola, more specifically a set of internal procedures for the work of Zoo Bitola, where participants will be 5 employees of Zoo Garden Bitola and also 5 employees of Zoo Garden Florina, Greece.
Timeframe and location for the realization of the training:
The one day joint training will be conduct in February 2014 in Bitola.
Obligations assumed by the expert start 5 days before the beginning of the training and will last until the end of the realization of the same.
The Contracting Authority reserves the right to change the timeframe for the realization of one day training in Bitola.
Expected methodology for realization of the training:
During the course of the training, the expert who will be engaged must use the following methodology:
Presentation of educational programs through Power Point;
Using printed materials;
Interactive group work;
Initiate an open discussion;
Using a questionnaire;
The expert must fulfill the following criteria:
1. Compulsory University degree and professional qualifications in the sphere of protection and improvement of the environment; biodiversity; management of environmental resources; Biology;
2. Previous participation in conferences, trainings/workshops (domestic and / or international) related to the topic of the project;
3. To have experience and knowledge related to the topic of the project at least 5 years (submits appropriate recommendations if possessed).
4. Familiarization with EAZA standards and experience in working with wild animals will be considered an advantage.
All interested and qualified candidates can apply for the implementation of the training.
Resources required:
The engaged expert need to posses excellent communication and presentation skills.
Language of the prepared training materials :
Training materials required for the implementation of the one-day training must be prepared in Macedonian and English languages.
The expert will receive his compensation for the implementation of training , no later than the end of the project .
Payment will be made on experts transaction account.
The personal income tax will be paid by the Contracting Authority.
Interested candidates should submit:
• Application- free format with the proposed methodology for the implementation of the training ;
• A brief biography of the Macedonian or English in European format (EUROPASS);
• Portfolio of successfully completed trainings / workshops, and publications related to the same topic or similar trainings ;
• Recommendations for successful implementation of at least 3 activities of the same or similar topic ( if owned ) ;
• Example materials that will be used during training .
Applications should be submitted in hard copy to the following address
Zoo Garden Bitola
St. Tumbe Cafe bb
or via e- mail
Deadline for applications is 7 days from the date of publication of the announcement .
Announcement and job descriptions can be downloaded from the websites :
Announcement and job descriptions - Download