16Jul2013 Second coordination meeting in Resen within the project “Introduction and implementation of the EU LEADER approach in Pelagonija region” by elite_user in новости-en
05Jul2013 Second coordination meeting in Bitola within the project “Introduction and implementation of the EU LEADER approach in Pelagonija region” by elite_user in новости-en
04Jul2013 Training session for the councils about the meaning of the regional development in organization of GIZ-RED by elite_user in новости-en
04Jul2013 Second coordination meeting in Prilep within the project “Introduction and implementation of the EU LEADER approach in Pelagonija region” by elite_user in новости-en
03Jul2013 Second Session of the Council of Development for the Pelagonija Region by elite_user in новости-en
02Jul2013 First coordination meeting in Resen within the project: “Introduction and implementation of the EU LEADER approach in Pelagonija region” by elite_user in новости-en
28Jun2013 Прв координативен состанок во Прилеп во рамките на проектот “Воведување и спроведување на ЕУ ЛЕАДЕР пристапот во Пелагонискиот регион” by elite_user in НОВОСТИ
27Jun2013 Contract between the CPRD and BRD for project realization in the Pelagonia region by elite_user in новости-en
26Jun2013 Интервју на г-ѓа Емилиа Ѓероска Директор на Центарот за развој на Пелагониски регион за Битолски весник by elite_user in НОВОСТИ