14May2013 6-th Progress Meeting “Developing Cross- Border Joint Fire Protection plan- FIRESHIELD by elite_user in новости-en
13May2013 Четврт тренинг во Битола во рамките на проектот “Воведување и спроведување на ЕУ ЛЕАДЕР пристапот во Пелагонискиот регион” by elite_user in НОВОСТИ
12May2013 Fourth training held in Prilep within the project: “Introduction and implementation of the EU LEADER approach in Pelagonija region” by elite_user in новости-en
12May2013 Fourth training held in Bitola within the project:“Introduction and implementation of the EU LEADER approach in Pelagonija region” by elite_user in новости-en
19Apr2013 Workshop held for: “Strategic planning for the Center for Development of Pelagonija region” by elite_user in новости-en
15Apr2013 Held third training in Bitola within the project: “Introduction and implementation of the EU LEADER approach in Pelagonija region” by elite_user in новости-en