05Oct2010 The realization of the project “Institutional upgrade for the coordination and support of business activities in the Pelagonija planning region” has begun by elite_user in новости-en
22Sep2010 Participation of the Center for development of Pelagonija region at the conference “Cultural policies: Problems in decentralization and territorial challenges” by elite_user in новости-en
03Sep2010 First seminar of the project “Advancement of the environmental quality in the Pelagonija planning region through promotion of the Law on packaging and packaging waste management” by elite_user in новости-en
25Jun2010 Representatives of the Center for Development of the Pelagonija Planning Region on a business visit of Korca, Republic of Albania by elite_user in новости-en
24Jun2010 The governmental project “Computer for every child” is being implemented in the Pelagonija region by elite_user in новости-en