The promotional conference “Building partnerships” was held in Bitola, as an official start of the realization of the project “Institutional upgrade for the coordination and support of business activities in the Pelagonija planning region”.
Among the conference guests there were the Director of the Bureau of regional development Mr. Dzemail Elmazi, the mayors of the nine municipalities in the Pelagonija region, representatives of the business sector and citizen associations.
“We are expecting intensification of the activities, especially in the traffic infrastructure, water supply systems and other projects for all municipalities”-said Mr. Elmazi, the Director of the Bureau for regional development.
The mayor of the municipality of Prilep, Mr. Marjan Risteski emphasized that this project will enable a better economic development of the region. He also stated that the planned trainings for the business sector and municipal administration will increase the human resources capacities for foreign investments.
“We shall enable direct investments in our knowledge, capacities and skills on three subject matters. These subject matters are: how to come to a better project and its’ financing , how public-private partnerships should function, and how to promote the business climate in this region. There will be a special business catalogue, web site and software processing business data, for the purpose of the third subject matter”. This is what the head executive of the Center for development of the Pelagonija region, Mrs. Emilia Geroska stated at the promotion of the project.
The executive director of MCMS Aleksandar Krzalovski, along with Herman Snelder, an expert from Holland and Lazar Nedanoski, a consultant for local economic development, all spoke about the initial project activities.
This project is a part of the Program for development of the Pelagonija planning region 2010-2015. It is realized with the financial support of the Ministry of local self-government of the Republic of Macedonia through the Bureau of regional development.