The Center for development of the Pelagonija region partnering with ALKA- Association for Sustainable development, organized a promotional event on the first day of September in Krklino. This event was within the frames of the project “Building partnerships for rural development- a reform for mutual agricultural policy after 2013”, implemented by PREPARE-partnership for rural Europe.
This year’s PREPARE conference is consisted of series of related events, which will be held in Macedonia. They have the purpose of connecting the representatives of the citizen organizations, institutions and private sector from Central and Southeastern Europe but also from member states of the EU, which are dedicated to the development of rural areas.
There were guests from Southeastern and Central Europe on today’s event, where they were introduced to the potentials for rural development of the village of Krklino through the project “Building partnerships for rural development”. These potentials were presented by the Center for development of the Pelagonija region through two precise initiatives: the hippodrome “HRIBO” and the auto – ethno museum or collection of rarities “FILIP”.
The executive of the Center for development of the Pelagonija region Emilia Geroska, greeted the present guests and emphasized the importance of the European programs and funds for the support of rural development in Pelagonija. There was also a promotion of the map “Discover the beauties of the Pelagonija region” – a project with the aim of promoting the tourist attractions in the region in a simple manner. The map was made in Macedonian and English and will be distributed among the 9 municipalities: Bitola, Demir Hisar, Dolneni, Prilep, Krusevo, Mogila, Krivogastani, Resen and Novaci in tourist agencies, bus and railway stations, tourist info bureaus etc. After visiting Krklino the guests also went to the village of Babino, Demir Hisar where they visited the private library and fish restaurant.