The Center for development of Pelagonija region signed contracts with the Bureau for regional development of RM (BRR) for realization of two new regional projects.With total financial contribution of around 4.600.000 mkd provided from the budget of Republic of Macedonia thru the Program for equal regional development and around 1.500.000 mkd provided from the Public enterprise Pazari Bitola, thru realization of two phases entirely completed will be the reconstruction of the green market in Bitola.
With the project activities constructed will be 6 new sale pavilions, covered will be the space above them, constructed will be plateau, electric and sewage system.
After the realization of the projects, around 3.000 citizens of the region which earn their life from the sale of agricultural products on the green market and more than 115.000 citizens of Bitola and the neighboring municipalities Demir Hisar, Mogila and Novaci will gain modern and functional space and more efficient and increased trade of the regional agricultural products. With the realization of the project direct benefit will have the citizens of 4 municipalities by which one more time in the Pelagonija region made will be a significant step towards realization of regional infrastructural projects thru direct cooperation of more municipalities.