Members from the Council for development of Pelagonija planning region (CDPPR) and representatives from the Center for development of Pelagonija region headed by the President of the Council for regional development, Mr. Gjoko Strezovski, realized a Study trip in Italy. The objective of the trip was gaining new knowledge and experiences for the development of Pelagonija as a destination for adventure tourism.
In the framework of this study trip visited was the Region Veneto in Northern Italy which has similar characteristics and potentials for adventure tourism as the region of Pelagonija: approximately same number of inhabitants, one main urban center (Venice), rural areas with local tradition, agricultural production and environment with highest level of national and world protection.
During the study trip representatives from Pelagonija region visited the cities San Dona Di Piave, Cavalino, Venice, Lido di Jesolo, Caorle and Cortina D’Ampezzo. Mayors from Pelagonija were accommodated in touristic rural area, where besides the local tradition and the environment, the agricultural production is entirely put into function of the touristic product. On this trip the Mayors were familiarized with the need and the form of intensive cooperation between the rural and the urban centers in the development of the touristic product.
Mayors from Pelagonija region realized official meetings with the Mayor of the Municipality of Cavalino - Mrs. Roberta Nesto and the Deputy Mayor in charge for development of tourism in Venice - Mrs. Paola Mar. On these meetings discussed was the support which the city authorities give to the local inhabitants dealing with tourism and also discussed were the manners of cooperation with the business community which directly or indirectly participates in the construction of the touristic product.
After the conclusion of the study trip, the group that realized it, came to conclusion that the accent of development of the tourism in Pelagonija should be put on support of development of modern road infrastructure, stimulation of the entrepreneurship within the local inhabitants most of all to the inhabitants of the rural areas, inclusion of the local traditions, crafts and agricultural products in the touristic offer, construction of mountain biking and walking trails and enabling conditions for camping tourism. Part of the tools for realization of these conclusions which are already in use in the region of Veneto, can also be applicable for Pelagonija region.
The study trip was realized within the framework of the project “Study for development of Pelagonija as a destination for adventure tourism” financially supported by the Program for regional development of the German development cooperation and the Delegation of the European Union in Republic of Macedonia.