In the framework of the project "Study for development of Pelagonija as a destination for adventure tourism" the Center for development of Pelagonija region realized a workshop whose aim was defining of the visual identity of the Pelagonija region as a destination for adventure tourism.
On the workshop in presence of relevant stakeholders from the public, private and civil sector from the Pelagonija municipalities, presented was the objective of the defining of visual identity of a destination and defined was the visual identity of Pelagonija as a destination for adventure tourism.
For the first time the 9 municipalities from Pelagonija, thru the Centre for development of Pelagonija region will prepare common touristic adventure offer and will promote the same jointly and uniformly. Pelagonija has a huge potential for development of adventure tourism and this project will contribute to its utilization towards promotion of the economic development.
This project is implemented in the framework of the Program for regional economic development by GIZ RED with support of the Delegation of EU in Republic of Macedonia.