On the 3rd of July 2015 was organized LEADER Fest in Delcevo, on which attended representatives from the three Local Action Groups LAG PeLAGonija, LAG Agro Lider, LAG Prespa and from the Center for development of Pelagonija planning region.
As special guests on the event were invited representatives from 6 LAGs from Czech Republic with the purpose to establish contact with LAGs from Macedonia in order all LAGs and LAG initiatives from the country to cooperate with LAGs for Czech Republic on future projects.
On the event representatives from Pelagonija LAGs present their organization and the region with promotion materials prepared within the PeLAGonija LEADER project implemented by the Center for development of Pelagonija planning region. Several workshops were organized withih the event, with different topics, as analysis of the current situation of implementing the LEADER approach in Macedonia and for exchanging experience with representatives of LAGs from Czech Republic.