On the 26th of March 2015, in the Municipalities of Resen, Novaci and Krivogashani officially were opened the offices of Local Action Groups: Prespa, Pelagonija and Agro Lider, where officially was handed over the computer equipment which will be used for implementation of the LAGs activities.
On the opening ceremony attended the donors of Pelagonija LEADER Project, with their Embassy representatives, deputy Director of the Mission of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Ms. Katarina Stocker, and Director of the Mission of USAID Mr. James Stein, also project implementators Center for development of Pelagonija region, as well as the Mayors of the Municipalities in Pelagonija region, representatives from USAID Small Business Expansion Project and members of the LAGs.As the LAGs are structures composed by public, private and civil sector, their main focus will be on the process of implementation of projects in rural areas, using financial support from IPARD Program measure 202, Program for rural development of RM measure 413 - Realization of Strategies for local development in rural areas and also from other donors and programs. All Local Action Groups are operating on the territory of Pelagonija region: LAG Prespa covers the territory of the Municipality of Resen, LAG Pelagonija covers the territory of the Municipalities: Bitola, Novaci, Mogila and Demir Hisar and LAG Agro Lider covers the territory of the Municipalities: Prilep, Krivogashtani, Dolneni and Krushevo.