On 23.03.2015 in Bitola, Center for development of Pelagonija planning region represented by Mrs. Emilia Gjeroska and the Chamber of commerce of the Republic of Macedonia represented by Mr. Mirko Velkovski President of the Regional chamber of commerce Bitola along with Mr. Simon Naumoski President of the Regional chamber of commerce Prilep, signed a Memorandum for cooperation.
In accordance with the statute, the vision and the mission of the Chamber of commerce of the Republic of Macedonia, Program for development of the Pelagonija planning region, mandate and activities of the Center for development of Pelagonija region, aiming at contribution to the realization of the common strategic goals, The Center for development of the Pelagonija planning region and the Chamber of commerce of the Republic of Macedonia will begin a joint cooperation.The cooperation will be realized towards building of a regional partnership, mobilization of the existing resources and implementation of common activities and projects for resolving of the existing and future challenges in the region. The focus of the cooperation will be put primarily on the promotion of the economic development of the Pelagonija region, thru coordination of the activities of both organizations, developing joint strategic priorities and finding common solutions of the existing challenges.