On Saturday 06.12.2014 in the Zoo Garden Bitola occurred the Grand opening of the reconstructed enclosures of the Zoо Bitola.
On this event promoted were the reconstructed enclosures for the animals: bear, lynx, lion, tiger, fox, raccoon, monkeys, farm for domestic animals as well as two complementary objects the entrance and the ticket shop of the Zoo Garden Bitola.
The reconstruction of the enclosures in the Zoo Garden Bitola was realized in the framework of the project Innovative educational programs enhancing the natural resources of the cross border region Pelagonija/Florina – ZOO Innovative. Lead partner of ZOO Innovative is the Center for development of Pelagonija planning region and the project financially was supported by the Delegation of the European Union and the Ministry for Local self – government of the Republic of Macedonia in the framework of the Program for cross- border cooperation between Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Greece. In the official part of the event the present were addressed by: Mr Robin Lindl (Minister Councilor in the Delegation of the European Union), Deputy Minister for local self – government of Republic of Macedonia Mr. Ljupcho Prendzov, D-r Vladimir Taleski Mayor of the Municipality of Bitola and the Head of the Center for Development of Pelagonija planning region Mrs. Emilia Gjeroska. In the entertaining part of the event performed the music stars Lambe Alabakovski with the children choir “Bells”, Parketi, Bojan Stojkov, children stars from the international children’s music festival Tra – la – la, and the children dancing group Step Up from Bitola. The program was enriched with additional animation content for the youngest guests and awarded were a number of prices and promotional materials for all the visitors of the event. The Center for development of Pelagonija planning region realized the project “ZOO Innovative” in partnership with Municipality of Bitola, Municipality of Florina, Zoo Garden Bitola and the Regional development agency from Florina, Republic of Greece.