On 22th and 23th of September in Bitola and Prilep was projected "Orlando" movie, as part of the regional culture days in Pelagonia region. The movie was shown in the small hall at the Cultural Centre in Bitola on September 22, where officially were opened the regional culture days, while on September 23 was shown in the cinema hall of the Cultural Centre in Prilep.
After screening of the film, the present audience had the opportunity to discuss with Professor. Dr. Senka Atanasova on the topic of feminism, where in both cities proved to be very interesting approach, introduced in the projection of a particular movie. Kontra Kadar production in recent years organize screenings a lot of movies, with subsequent discussion related to the topic of the film with relevant guests. The screening of the film was financed within the Programme for Decentralized cooperation between the Basse -Normandie (France) and the Republic of Macedonia as part of the project "Culture in the role of territorial development and social cohesion" led by Locomotive Skopje, in cooperation with CDPPR and mixed union area of the bay of Mont Saint Michel.