In the framework of the Decentralized cooperation between the region of Basse Normandy with Republic of Macedonia and the project “The Culture in function of territorial development and social cohesion” from 16 – 18 September 2014 realized was a three day official visit of representatives of the bay Mon Saint Michele to the Pelagonija region.
The cooperation of these two territories should create possibilities for expansion of the contacts in order realization of future direct cooperation on political level between municipalities from both territories on topics of common interest.Within this visit, organized by the Center for development of Pelagonija planning region realized were meetings with Mayors of municipalities from the Pelagonija region and representatives of institutions in the area of the culture in Pelagonija.The aim of the visit was discussion of fields of common interest for the both territories and defining of the possible areas in framework of which from 2015year developed will be concrete activities of cooperation between the territories Basse Normandy and Pelagonija. This visit will also be used for preparation of memorandum for cooperation between the Mixed syndicate of the area of the bay Mon saint Michele and the Center for Development of Pelagonija planning region.The French delegation was accompanied by representatives of the Center for new initiatives in the art and culture Locomotive from Skopje which in the institutional framework of the Program for decentralized cooperation is included as a coordinator of the cooperation between the Pelagonija planning region represented by the Center for development of the Pelagonija planning region and the area of the bay Mon Saint Michele, represented thru the Mixed syndicate from the area of the bay Mon Saint Michele.The delegation from Basse Normandy was represented by: Sandrine Poulet – responsible for tourism, culture and communication in the Mixed syndicate form the area of the bay Mon Saint Michele, which is in disposition of the Network for tourism of the area of the bay Mont Saint Michele; Caroline Périer – responsible for tourism and cooperation in the cooperation between the area of the bay Mon Saint Michele and the Republic of Macedonia. Catherine Bruneaud-Rhyn – mayor of the municipality of Zhene, deputy president of the commune of communities Avransh – Mon saint Michele, responsible for tourism, deputy president of the Mixed syndicate of the area of the bay Mon Saint Michele.