The Center for development of Pelagonija planning region and the Program for regional development of the German society for international cooperation in Macedonia from 16 -18 06.2014 in Bitola realized three day training on topic: Regional marketing and branding.
The training was conducted by the German expert for regional marketing and branding M-r Uve Krapic and Mrs Ana Marusic Lisac expert for certification and branding processes from Republic of Croatia. On this training participation took the relevant stakeholders for the regional development of Pelagonija or more specifically representatives of the public, the civil and the business sector from the Pelagonija planning region.On this training presented were the concepts of the regional marketing and branding and the latest world trends on the topic. Further on elaborated were the instruments of the regional marketing, numerous initiatives and instruments that so far have been undertaken and defined were and instruments and initiatives that are suitable to be undertaken in the Pelagonija region in future.The trainers introduced the participants with the European practices and trends thru presentation of European Europe’s known branded and successful regions or more specifically thru the examples of the of the European regions of Istra R. Croatia and Neumarkt R. Germany.Also on the training thru a participative approach the participants worked on the directions and recommendations on how to place our Pelagonija region on the map of the European branded regionsAchieved results from the training are gained new knowledge of the participants, exchanged experiences of the topic, as well as obtained marketing and branding skills and tools that can be applied in the regional development and the branding of the Pelagonija region.