On Wednesday 14.05.2014 in the Municipality of Krivogashtani commenced the realization of the final phase of construction of the parking space on the livestock market in the Municipality of Krivogashtani.The activities of this project are financed by the Center for development of Pelagonija planning region thru the Ministry of local self-government
and the Bureau for regional development in the framework of the program for equal regional development in the year of 2014. With the construction of the parking and the construction of the livestock market completed will be a functional hall of this significant economic and commercial complex in the Municipality of Krivogashtani.The process of construction of the parking lasted several years. Began with preparation of technical documentation, as well financed from the CDPPR thru the MLS and the BfRD, and after the completion of the same approached was towards its realization.In total, the CDPPR thru the Program for regional development of RM in the livestock market in Krivogashtani has invested more than 4.000.000 mkd. The expected results from the construction of the parking or the construction of the entire complex of the livestock market are increased commercial activity and contribution towards the development of the economy in the micro region Krivogashtani, Krushevo and Dolneni.