From the 12th to 17th of March 2014 three worhshops were held for developing LAGs strategies for local rural development, within PeLAGonija LEADER project. One workshop was held in each of the three micro regions in Pelagonija, Bitola, Prilep and Prespa micro region.
On these events was presented the Analysis for local needs and potentials which was developed in the first project year for the three micro regions, based on the disseminated questioners to the LAG members. Also it was discussed about the Rule book for developing strategies for local rural development, published by the Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, which is a guide for developing LAG strategy. Through group work of the participants, the LAGs territory was defined and mapping, analyzing and evaluation was done for the stakeholders in the region. Two more workshops for developing LAG strategies will be organized in the upcoming period in the three micro regions in Pelagonija.