Center for Development of Pelagonija region is publishing an Announcement for engagement of Lecturer
for the needs of the Project: “Innovative Educational Programmes Enhancing the Environmental Resources of the Cross Border Region Pelagonija/ Florina- ZOO INNOVATIVE”
The Center for Development of Pelagonija region invites all qualified people who are interested to be involved in the activities of the above mentioned project to submit necessary documents in accordance with the procedure for selection of Lecturer.
Lead Partner of the Project:
Centar for Development of Pelagonija region
Partners of the project:
- Regional Development Agency of Florina ANFLO;
- Municipality of Bitola;
- Municipality of Florina;
- Zoo Garden Bitola.
Project objective:
To contribute towards enhancement of the environmental resources in the cross border region of Pelagonia/Florina;
Expected results of the project:
• Enhancement of natural resources in the border region;
• Implemented educational programs;
• Establishment and actively functioning voluntary system in the ZOO Garden Bitola;
• Targeting a wider audience (approximately 20,000) with information about the importance of environmental resources through innovative educational programs;
• Building institutional capacity for environmental protection and the protection of biodiversity;
• Construction of a modern infrastructure in the zoo by EAZA standards;
• Increased awareness of the protection of natural resources in the border region through a broad, innovative digital media campaign.
The project is funded by:
The IPA cross border program between Macedonia- 2007 – 2013 година, (CRIS No: IPA / 2009/ DN021101/CN307-701).
Criteria for selection of Lecturer
For the purpose of the abovementioned project, it is necessary to engage a Lecturer who will conduct 5 days of training in Bitola and 5 days of training in Florina- Republic of Greece, on the following subjects:
• Characteristics of the cross-border region Pelagonija / Florina from the aspect of biodiversity - number and presence of species with an emphasis on species with importance to the sustainable development of the region;
• The importance of biodiversity conservation in the cross-border region Pelagonija / Florina - International conventions , institutional measures for promotion and the participation of the public;
• Evaluation of biological diversity in the function of sustainable development of the region Pelagonija / Florina - international organizations , institutions , and the role of regional development agencies and local civil society organizations;
• Risks and challenges in the management of natural resources and the environment in the cross-border region Pelagonija / Florina - negative aspects and impacts of climate change on the biodiversity in the region of Pelagonija / Florina , responses to environmental issues and natural disasters;
• Transferring to the training participants, practical skills and their application in the management of biodiversity and the environment in the cross-border region Pelagonija / Florina.
The Trainings are intended for 20 students from the cross-border region of Pelagonija/ Florina, particularly for the full time students at the Universities where the subjects of biodiversity management and protection of the environment are taught.
Тhe training will be realized by two experts, one from Macedonia and one from Greece. The expert engaged by the Center for Development of Pelagonija Region needs to be in regular coordination and contact with the expert from the same field ,who will be engaged by the project parnter from Florina – ANFLO (Agency for Development of Florina)- Republic of Greece.
Timeframe for the realization of the training:
The 5 days training in Bitola will be held in the second half of February, and the 5 days training in Florina- Republic of Greece will be held the first half of March.
The undertaken obligation by the Lecturer will begin 5 days before the implementation of the Trainings, and will last until the complete realization of the above mentioned trainings.
The Center for Development of Pelagonija region, as Contracting Authority reserves the right to change the time, date and location of the abovementioned training, and will inform the Lecturer on time.
Required methodology for the preparation and implementation of the training:
During the preparation process of the training materials, the selected Lecturer should use the following required methodology:
- Theoretical lecturers;
- Usage of visual tools (Power point presentations, video presentations, and photos);
- Case studies;
- Dilemma games and tables;
- Use of the method of work of individual set tasks;
- Use of team work to set tasks;
- Encouraging participation through questions and answers and dialogic form of work.
- Contact and coordination with the expert engaged by the project partner – ANFLO.
The lecturer must meet the following criteria:
1.Compulsory University degree and professional qualifications in the sphere of protection and improvement of the environment; biodiversity; management of environmental resources;
2.Previous participation on conferences; previously conducted training related to the topic of the project;
3.To have work experience and knowledge related to the topic of the project, and to submit letter of recommendation from the conducted similar activities.
Each qualified and interested candidate can apply for the realization of the above mentioned trainings.
Required resources:
The selected Lecturer should posse’s excellent communication and presentation skills, as well as skills for clear presentation of the working materials; to be able to create positive atmosphere through the interests of the group.
Language of the training materials:
The training materials needed for the implementation of the training should be prepared on Macedonian and English language.
The lecturer will receive the fee after the realization of both trainings, no later than the end of the project realization.
For the 5 days Training in Florina- republic of Greece, the Lecturer will receive additional per diem which will be sufficient to cover the travel costs and the costs for accommodation and food for 5 days.
The payment will be made on the bank account of the Lecturer. The personal income tax will be paid by the Contracting Authority.
The interested candidates should submit:
• APPLICATION- free format consisted of the proposed methodology for the realization of the training;
• CV in EUROPASS format (Macedonian or English);
• List of previously conducted trainings/ publications, attended conferences related with the topic of the abovementioned project.
• Recommendations for successful realization of at least 3 activities on the same or similar topics (if any are available).
• Examples of materials which will be used during the trainings.
The Center for Development of Pelagonija Region reserves the right to invite a certain number of candidates who have replied to the announcement.
Applications should be delivered in printed form to the following address:
Center for Development of Pelagonija region
St. Tomaki Dimitrovski, 7
7000 Bitola,
OR, on the following e-mail address,
The Terms of reference can be downloaded from the following WebPages: