On Thursday 16.01.2014, the Centre for development of Pelagonija planning region and Program for Regional Development of Republic of Macedonia by the German International Cooperation (GIZ) signed an agreement for cooperation through the implementation of regional projects to be funded within the Performance Based Grant scheme.
The PBG scheme was opened in the middle of 2013 and it was designated for the Centers for regional development in Republic of Macedonia.Following the rules of the open call, through a process of identification, selection and prioritization, the Centre for Development of Pelagonija planning region and the Council for Development of Pelagonija region have identified 15 project ideas and seven project applications were submitted within the call. After the final evaluation by the donor, six project applications were accepted for funding:
1. Preparation of technical documentation for the construction of a ring road around the town of Krusevo,
2. Preparation of technical documentation for construction of road from Rapes to Staravina,
3. Preparation of technical documentation for construction of an industrial zone Slavej,
4. Preparation of technical documentation for construction of a port in Pretor,
5. Preparation of technical documentation for construction of road from Strovija to Bogomila,
6. Preparation of technical documentation for construction of a water treatment plant in the municipality of Demir Hisar.
The total value of the approved projects is 3 000 000 MKD.
The project implementation is expected to be completed by mid-2014