In Bitola on 21.08.2013, the 3rd Session of the Council for Development of Pelagonian region was held. At this meeting, council members worked on the following agenda:
1. Review and adoption of the minutes of the second meeting of the Council for Development of Pelagonian Region.
5. Revisions to the annual financial plan CDPR in 2013
6. Signing of Agreement for the establishment of intermunicipality board for waste management (RIUO, Ministry of Environment of the Republic)
7. Election of Chairman of the Board for intermunicipality waste management
8. Election of members of the administrative office for the intermunicipality Committee for waste management
9. Election of members of the Commission to grant financial assistance to achieve standards in the operation of small- scale restaurants (Project implementing legislation for categorization of tourist restaurants in the region Pelagonian funded by BRD 2013)
10. Information on the approved project Introduction and Implementation of the LEADER approach in Pelagonian region (second phase) and study tour in Zadar, Croatia
11. Information on the projects that will be submitted within the third call from CBC with Greece.