Within the framework of the project "Introduction and Implementation of the EU LEADER approach in Pelagonija region" on the 16th of July 2013 in Restaurant Vito in Resen was held the second coordination meeting: "Establishing a Local Action Group (LAG)", organized by the Center for Development of Pelagonija Region in partnership with USAID Project for expansion of small businesses implemented by Carana Corporation.
At the meeting the members of potential Local Action Group of Resen micro region signed the Memorandum of Understanding for establishment of local public - private partnership, with which the signatories confirmed that they want to participate in forming of the Local Action Group, formed as a partnership under the principles of the EU LEADER, with participation of the public, private and civil sector. On the event the participants discussed about the possible number of members, the place where will be the headquarters of the partnership and the communication plan between the group members. One more coordination meeting is planned until the end of the first project phase in the three micro regions of Pelagonija.