From 19th – 26th of May, representative of the Center for Development of Pelagonija region participated on a seminar for: “Management of Local Action Groups – A Holistic Approach in Regional Rural Development”, held in Ilok, Croatia. On the seminar were attending representatives from public institutions and LAG managers from Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia and Macedonia.
It was discussed about the initial steps of the Local Action Groups, their future activities and funding, exchanging positive experience and preparing LAG Strategies. The purpose of the seminar was the participants to gain information about different aspects and the elaboration of the regional strategies, to get knowledge how to organize and finance the LAG management, to develop appropriate solutions how to support and sustain the future development process in the region by implementing regional projects through the LAG’s, and to improve the possibility of further networking between the LAG’s from South Eastern European countries.
Through the organized field trips were presented the possibilities if improvement in the rural areas and the different kinds of projects that can be implemented through the LEADER measure. The seminar was organized by the GIZ Program, supported with expertise of LAG managers from the most successful active LAG’s in Germany.