The minister for local government Tahir Hani today in Bitola realized a meeting with the heads of the 8 centers for regional development which act in the same number of planning regions in Republic of Macedonia. Minister Hani stated that the coordination meeting with the heads of the regional centers is in contribution to the National strategy for rural tourism in the Republic of Macedonia.
We support strengthening the role of the regional Centers for development in the Republic of Macedonia because they represent a very efficient mechanism for equal regional development. We dedicate the main attention to the National strategy for rural tourism and we expect the Centers to play a key role in realization of all the projects predicted in this strategy, said the minister for local government Tahir Hani. At today’s meeting in Bitola whose host was the Center for development of the Pelagonia region, the Heads of the eight center s for regional development brought a common conclusion that when they act together they accomplish their goals more efficiently. Our capacities are large and well developed to answer the challenges and requirements that are requested of the Donors as well as our Government thru its ministries. All our activities are in function of accomplishing the mission of decreasing of the disparity in the regions of the Republic of Macedonia, as well as reducing the disparity within each region thru the municipalities, said Emilia Geroska Director of the Center for development of the Pelagonia region with headquarters in Bitola.