On the 12th of February 2013 in Vito Restaurant in Resen the Center for Development of Pelagonija region within the project “Introduction and implementation of the EU LEADER approach in Pelagonija region”, organized training with topic: “Establishment of partnership and forming LAG’s”.
The participants on the training gained knowledge regarding good governance and mobilizing the local communities, for the national and EC documents concerning the territory and forming of Local Action Groups, as well as for the procedure of forming LAG’s on local bases using the experience from the countries where this process is most successful.This training was indented for participants from the public, private and civil sector from the region of Resen, who were attending the past meeting within this project.The project “Introduction and implementation of the EU LEADER approach in Pelagonija region” is financially supported by USAID Project for expansion of small businesses, implemented by Carana Corporation.