On 19.09.2012, Center for development of Pelagonija region participated in a panel discussion on "The economic impact of the protection of the architectural heritage" co-organized between the BAS Institute of Management from Bitola, Macedonian Association of Architects and the Museum of Bitola.
Expert presentations had Mrs. Lydia Stefanovska professor BAS Institute of Management, Mrs. Anastasia Trajkovska a representative of the Association of Architects of Macedonia, Mrs. Liliana Hristova Director of the Museum Bitola, Mrs. Emilia Geroska Head of CDPPR and Rubin Nikoloski (CDPPR).Topics that were discussed at a panel discussion were related to architectural heritage as under-used potential in the economic development of a territory (municipality, region, state) and the links that need be established between the relevant stakeholders for successful functioning of the process of heritage protection while producing economic benefits.CDPPRs presentation was titled "Architectural heritage as an opportunity for improved development of Pelagonia". It included potentitals of Pelagonia in the field of cultural heritage, the possibility of its promotion, and the instruments available to finance the development interventions in this area.