On 13.07.2012, in Bitola, an initial meeting to form a network for cultural development in Pelagonia was held. The establishment of the network has emerged as a real need detected during the activities undertaken during 2011 and 2012 including: Process of mapping of all cultural potentials of Pelagonian region, workshop on strategic planning for cultural policies creators and training for project cycle management.
The network will be of informal character and will have an advisory mission. In it, will participate Pelagonia`s nine municipalities (cultural sectors), NGO representatives and independent artists.During the initial meeting the following was defined: objectives of the network, rules for decision making, formation of the coordinating body of the network, and communication channels between network members.
Also, during the initial meeting the need for strengthening the capacities of professionals in the sector culture, the possibility and necessity of introducing the Regional Council for Culture and Regional days of culture in the Pelagonian region were discussed.
The establishment of the network is activity within the decentralized cooperation between the region of Lower Normandy and the Republic of Macedonia - axis Cultural policies.Leaders of the axis are Locomotiva - Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture (Macedonia) and the Regional Centre of Culture, Ethnology and technique - Creset (Lower Normandy)The activities of the axis in Macedonia are conducted in partnership with the Center for Development of Pelagonia region.