As part of the project “Building partnership” on May 16th, 2011 in Resen a local presentation for investment opportunities was held. The presentation itself was divided in two parts, whereas, the first part was dedicated on presentation for the opportunities in the industrial zones ‘Makazi’ and ‘Prespatekst’ and the second part, reserved for presentation of the remaining business investments, or to be precise, presentation of the overall center which is going to be built in the nearness of the regional road Bitola-Resen,
Finish village in Dolno Dupeni and the localities in the municipality which are of a great importance with attractive potential for alternative tourism: Pretor, Stenje, Kohjsko. During this presentation the representatives from the local self-government shared the favourable offers for the potential investors, such as, stimulation, facilities, help concerning the requested documentation. The participants from all different sectors of the municipality and the representatives from the local self government in Resen, responsible for the urbanism, local economic development, cross border collaboration and environment awareness.