The Center for development of the Pelagonija region held the first out of three seminars within the frames of the project : “Advancement of the environmental quality in the Pelagonija planning region through promotion of the Law on packaging and packaging waste management” in Hotel Montana in Krusevo on the 3rd of September.
Seven mayors of the municipalities in the Pelagonija region were present at this workshop: Demir Hisar, Dolneni, Krusevo, Krivogastani, Mogila, Novaci and Resen, along with employees of the local self-government and the executives of the public communal enterprises. The Law on packaging and packaging waste management was presented by its’ author Jadranka Ivanova – head of the European Union sector within the Ministry of environment and physical planning. She emphasized that this Law sets certain national goals for the processing and recycling of packaging waste in accordance with the European goals. She also stated that the Macedonian companies and municipalities must have an organized managing approach for this process in order to achieve the goals.
The Center for development of the Pelagonija region opened a debate about the conduct of the Law articles, along with the project implementation. The goal is for all three interested parties to gather together and make an agreement about the ways to decrease the packaging waste in the region i.e. how to achieve the goal of healthy and high quality living environment. When the project ends a brochure will be made and distributed, containing the basic obligations for the municipalities, companies and households arising out of the Law.
The second seminar is planned for the economic operators i.e. the producers and importers of packaging waste and will be held in October, while the third seminar is intended for the citizen associations and will be held in November.
By conducting this project, the Center for development of the Pelagonija region also realizes the Program for development of the Pelagonija region 2010-2015, where environmental protection in the context of conducting principles of sustainable development is a high priority.