On December 25th at the ZOO in Bitola Santa Claus was a special guest. This event was announcement for the beginning of the project for implementing Educational program for marketing and promotion of the ZOO in Bitola which the NGO ‘Biosfera’ carried out as part of the project ‘Making the technical documentation for complete reconstruction of the ZOO in Bitola’, financially supported by the Ministry of local self government, and implemented by the Center for Regional Development of Pelagonia region.
The main goal of this event was to increase the awareness, not only to the young children, but to their parents as well, for the importance and the meaning for correct treatment of the animals residents at the ZOO, therefore creating a friendly attitude towards the animals and the vegetation. The children visiting the ZOO at this day had the opportunity to spend some time with the festive favorites , Santa Claus and his Old Lady, and Clown Zagi, who gave out Christmas presents. The children sang songs and told Christmas poems and stories.
At the end, they all wished the animals a Happy New Year showing them how much they are loved and cared for.