On July 11, 2012, The Pelagonia Regional Development Center, in cooperation with the American Corner and Lions Club “Kabadaja”, from Bitola, organized a visit to Bitola Zoo for 30 participants in the week long youth summer camp at Lions District 132 Macedonia. The youth camp participants, from 15 – 19 years of age, are from Finland, Germany, Estonia, Turkey, Italy, Ukraine and Macedonia.
During the tour of the zoo, conducted in English by the zoo volunteers, the participants were introduced to the activities undertaken to renovate the zoo. The zoo volunteers also provided specific information about the animals within the zoo.
After the educational and recreational tour zoo the participants convened in the conference hall of the Centre for Development of Pelagonian region. In small groups, guests and hosts discussed several specific topics related to biodiversity and the mission of modern zoos:
What is important about a zoo? Satisfaction of visitors or welfare of the animals? Why?
What additional services / activities may be conducted in volunteers Bitola ZOO?
What should be the mission of modern zoos today?
What animals and that news should be introduced in Bitola Zoo?
What can be done in future to improve the living conditions of captive and wild animals?
Each group gave a concluding statement for their particular issue, which led to further debate by all participants. The topics provoked interesting answers, thoughts, recommendations and opinions. Most of the suggestions and ideas correspond to anticipated renovations in the next phase of the renovation of the Zoo Garden Bitola, including :
- Reconstruction of all animal enclosures and accompanying infrastructure in the zoo,
- Implementation of the educational program for marketing and promotion of ZOO,
- Establishment and strengthening of cooperation of Bitola ZOO and other institutions with similar missions.