In the framework of the regional days of the Culture in Pelagonija held were two exhibitions of the handicrafts from the artisan from the association ZUR Macedonian Handicrafts from Bitola and the association of women Cvet from Krushevo.On 23.09.2014 in the Center for culture Marko Cepenkov in Prilep held was an exhibition of the ZUR Macedonian Handicrafts from Bitola.
The artisan from this association had the opportunity to represent their handicrafts in front of the citizens of the Municipality of Prilep and in the same time to celebrate the tenth anniversary of their existence. On the other hand the citizens of Bitola had the opportunity to get familiarized with the handicrafts in production of the Association of women Cvet from Krushevo which held their exhibition on the 26.09.2014 in the Center for Culture in Bitola. On the exhibition of the association Cvet from Krushevo guests were their fellow colleagues from the Association ZUR Macedonian handicrafts from Bitola. On this manner the handicraft as a cultural expression was brought closer to the citizens of Pelagonija, and in the same time exchanged were experiences and contacts and established was a ground for future cooperation.