On Wednesday 04.06.2014 in the Municipality of Resen began the realization of the project Construction of electric lighting installation on the regional intersection" Makazi " regional road A - 3 section- Bitola- Resen”.The activities in the framework of the project are financed by the Center for Development of Pelagonija planning region
thru the Ministry for local self-government and the Bureau for equal regional development of RM in the framework of the Program for equal regional development for 2014 year.The intersection Makazi is highly frequent because thru it runs the traffic from Bitola towards the settlement of Pretor and to the Greek border, the settlements to the village of Stenje to the Albanian border and towards the city of Ohrid. With this the project besides regional has also an international significance for regular and uninterrupted flow of the traffic towards the specified directions.The project’s location has a great regional significance for the Pelagonija planning region, having in mind the nearby Prespa lake that is the only natural water resource for tourism promotion and it is located 12 km from the project’s location.The project has local significance for the municipalities Resen and Bitola in manner of upgrade and modernization of the inter municipal cooperation thru obtaining of a modern thoroughfare that is one of the main preconditions for quality economic exchange.The lighting of the indicated traffic intersection will increase the quality and safety of the traffic on the route A-3 from Bitola to Ohrid to Resen and to the border crossing near the village Stene towards the Republic of Albania, and also the border towards Republic of Greece and announced the opening of local border crossing Markova Noga.In the framework of the project installed will be 30 lampposts with full strength of (250+30W). With the realization of the project the quality of life will be increased significantly in aspect of the safety, traffic and the esthetic. With the urbanization, the decoration and lightening of the traffic intersection Makazi, increased will be the esthetic values and the quality of life of the citizens from both municipalities Resen and Bitola.
The total amount of the investment is 1.639.295,00 mkd.