The Center for Development of Pelagonija region in cooperation with USAID Project for expansion of small businesses on the 6th of February in Hotel Epinal in Bitola organized a Conference with topic: “How to get access to money to finance your business”.On this Conference were attending more than 200 participants from the public, private and civil sector from the Pelagonija region, which proved the huge interest in the financial help that is offered to them, as well as the success of the Conference.
Seven sessions were hold during the conference dedicated to different financial instruments, like: IPA -cross border, IPA/IPARD, National program for Rural Development, Competition and Innovation Program –CIP, Funding Instruments of the Dutch Government, Support of technology transfer for the small companies and credits through BSC Bitola and Macedonian Bank for support and development.In the second part of the event the participants had the possibility to ask the experts specific questions regarding the presented topics and about the application process, in order to get more information on the offered financial instruments. The goal of the Conference was to encourage the growth and development of the companies in the region by facilitating the process of access to finances, in order to increase the interest for their utilization.