The Council for Development of the Pelagonija Planning Region (SRPPR) organizes and coordinates the activities for monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the planned documents for regional development, adopts the Program for development of the Pelagonija region, after a previous agreement with the Council for balanced regional development and adopts an annual action plan for implementation of the Program for development of the Pelagonija region.
Also, SRPPR establishes an annual list of project proposals for development of the Pelagonija region and delivers proposals to the Bureau of regional development for identification of the areas with specific developmental needs, in the frames of the Pelagonija region.
SRPPR is responsible for the coordination of the activities of the units of local self-government, citizen associations, governmental agencies and institutions in the frames of the Pelagonija region, working in the field of regional development as well as for the initiation of examining of questions related to regional development, which require coordination among the local self-government units and partners from the private and public sector.
SRPPR promotes the across-border cooperation with regions from other countries based on mutual interests.