On the 04th of June 2013 in Restaurant Vito in Resen the Center for Development of Pelagonija region held the last training from the first phase of the project “Introduction and implementation of the EU LEADER approach in Pelagonija region”. This training was with topic: “Skills for conducting analysis of the territory”.
On this training to the attendees from the public, private and civil sector from the region was presented the term of “territory analysis”, the need of analysis in the process of strategic planning as well as the most used tools for making analysis, like SWOT and PEST, which are basics for preparing strategic documents. The purpose of the training is to use the results of the analysis for the next project phase in the process of preparing the strategy of the Local Action Group, which will be established in the micro region of Resen. After the finished trainings, coordination meetings will be held for selection of the members of the Local Action Groups.
This project is financed by USAID Project for expansion of small businesses, implemented by Carana Corporation.