In the framework of the project “ZOO INNOVATIVE”, the Open Classroom Week on Biodiversity Management in the cross border region Pelagonija/ Florina, was held from the 31st of March- 4th of April, in Pelagonija region. The training was attended by 10 students from the Veterinary Faculty from Pelagonija region, and 10 students from the Technological faculty from the region of Florina.
At this workshop, the students from the cross- border region had the opportunity to learn further about the biodiversity in the cross-border Pelagonija/Florina region and the protected species of that region by an expert speaker from the area. The students visited the National Park Pelister; the Zoo Garden in Bitola and the Veterinary Faculty in Bitola. This workshop was the 1st of 2, the 2nd will be held in Florina, from 7th of April-11th of April 2014.