As part of the project “ Institutional upgrade for coordinating and support of the business activities in the Pelagonia region”, the seventh training , talking point “Donation procedures” was held in Bitola in the period of 27th and 28th of April.
The training was allocated for the representatives of the local economy sector, juridical sector of the municipalities and the employers directly involved in the preparation and implementation of the projects financed from the accessible EU funds and other bilateral sponsors. Expert lecturer, Mr. Fatmir Bitiki and Mrs. Daniela Stojanova were engaged to share their experience and knowledge by the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation – Skopje.
At the first day of the training the participants got acquainted with the Rules for preparation of the budget as well as the application for project proposals and Reference manual for call preparation. Second day was reserved for the elaboration of the PRAG document, which is of a particular meaning for implementing the projects financed of the EU. The outcome of this training is to strengthen the administrative capacities in the region for the further project developments.