On September 16th, 2009 the Center for Development of Pelagonia Region held the last Conference for the project Institutional building and support of the business activities of Pelagonia Region which was implemented from June till September 2011,known as ’Building partnerships’.
Project was carried out through three project modules such as:
• Trainings for preparation of the projects, sponsors procedures and funds finding.
• Trainings for legal and organizational aspects from the Public-private partnership (PPP); Developing modules and suggestions for OOO, organizing events for effective communication of the municipalities, and the business sector which will identify the potential PPP.
• Trainings for business skills, developing network for data exchange, preparation of advertising material, web site as a tool for support and attracting new domestic as well as foreign investments, preparing for local and regional presentation for the business opportunities of Pelagonia region.
Project established organized and structural team, fitted with all necessary skills for each of the nine municipalities in the region as well as at the office of the Center for Development of Pelagonia Region, responsible to coordinate and support the business activities in the region.
‘Building partnerships’ was financially supported by the Bureau for Regional Development as part of the program for equivalent regional development of the Ministry for local self government of Republic of Macedonia.
Assets were provided by the budget of Republic of Macedonia and the municipalities of Pelagonia Region: Bitola, Prilep, Resen, Krushevo, Demir Hisar, Novaci, Mogila, Krivogashtani and Dolneni.
Throughout the projects activities, directly or indirectly, 350 employees were included at the municipalities administration and around 6170 legal subjects in Pelagonia Region.
Executed projects of the project ‘Building partnerships’
Trainings :
- ‘Preparing project proposals’
- ‘Legal and organizational aspects of the Public and private partnership (PPP) ‘
- ‘Business skills and opportunities for business financing’
- ‘Identification process of PPP at the municipality plans for LER’
- ‘Modules development of PPP and suggestions for PPP’
- ‘Developing project proposals for financing from accessible funds of EU and the program for the community’
- ‘Finding funds’
- ‘Sponsor procedures (EU funds)’
- Using web-program PELAGONIJA BUSINESS
- ‘Procedure for allocating the PPP contract’ – Bitola
- ‘Procedure for allocating the PPP contract’ – Prilep
Presentations for business investment of Pelagonia Region
Local presentations:
- Demir Hisar, Krivogashtani, Krushevo, Dolneni
- Resen
- Mogila and Novaci
Regional presentations:
- Korcha, Republic of Albania
- Florina, Republic Greece
Investment Guide for Pelagonia Region
This tool was completed to provide the potential investors a detailed review of Pelagonia Region as well as the nine municipalities individually.
The Investment Guide includes information which is of crucial importance to successfully finish the investment cycle. The Guide also includes information concerning the industrial development zones in the region, and comparative development advantages of each of the municipality individually.
The Guide has been translated in three foreign languages: Albanian, English and Greek language.
Video for the business opportunities in Pelagonia region
This video was prepared to serve as a promotion of the investment potentials in Pelagonia Region. Video includes all business opportunities on disposal of the region.
Web site www.pelagonijabiznis.mk
The web site contains all necessary information for the potential investors, upgraded and complemented according to the latter modification and according to the changes in the legal legislative. The web site offers tool for searching the overall data base to the companies of Pelagonia region including information about the business sector of Pelagonia, relevant to the potential investors.
Results which were achieved with the project:
• Strengthening the capacities of the relevant factors of Pelagonia region regarding project preparation, sponsor procedures, and finding funds.
• Strengthening the capacities of the public, private and the civil sector of Pelagonia Region in the matter of business skills.
• Designed and printed materials for supporting and attracting the potential investors.
• Local and regional presentation for the business opportunities of Pelagonia region.
• Updated data base for the business sector of Pelagonia region.
• Establishing data exchange network for all municipalities.
The Mayors from municipalities of Krivogashtani and Dolneni were present at the Conference, as well as representatives from the business sector, public institutions and the nongovernment organizations. Certificates of Appreciation were presented to the person for contact from all nine municipalities of Pelagonia Region, who have actively supported the implementation of the project.