On the 4th of September 4, 2014 a press conference was held on which were presented the results of the project “Construction of electric lighting installation of a traffic interchange Makazi on the regional highway A3 Resen- Bitola". On the press conference addressed the Director of the Centre for Development of Pelagonia region Ms. Emilia Geroska and the Mayor of Municipality of Resen Mr.Gjoko Strezovski.
The main objective of the project was electric lighting installation at the intersection spot called "Makazi" at the entrance to Resen from Bitola. Within this project were placed 30 lampposts. Lighting the given traffic interchange will improve the quality and safety of traffic road A-3 from Bitola and Ohrid to Resen, and will improve the quality of life and the traffic safety. This project was financially supported by the Bureau of regional development through the Ministry of Local Government in the Republic Macedonia.