On May 10th, 2011 in Skopje, Director of the Bureau for regional development Mr. Djemail Elmazi and the Director of the Center for development of Pelagonia region Mrs. Emilia Gjeroska signed the contract for realization of the project in the Pelagonia region which have been applied in 2010 and financed in 2011.
The following project have been financed:
1. Preparing the technical documentation for building a road at settlement: Zapolozani, Municipality of Dolneni to the settlement Slavej, Municipality of Krushevo;
2. Making a complete technical documentation for reconstruction of the ZOO in Bitola;
3. Making a technical documentation for building a parking area at the ranch in Krivogashtani;
4. Making a study for promotion of the monastery tourism on Baba Mountain (municipality of Bitola and municipality of Resen)
5.Delivery of equipage for TPPE Prilep (covers the region in Prilep, Krivo gashtani and Dolneni) and equipment for volunteer units;
6.Second phase in construction of the chloride station in village Debrishte.