On the 5th of June, a Press Conference was held regarding the reconstruction of the Zoo Garden - Bitola. The reconstruction of the Zoo Garden- Bitola is part of the activities within the project : “Innovative Educational Programmes Enhancing the Environmental Resources of the cross-border Pelagonija/ Region- ZOO INNOVATIVЕ”
,which is realized within the EU Programme for cross border cooperation between Republic of Macedonia and Greece. On the press conference present were: the deputy minister for local self government, Mr. Gjorgija Sajkoski, the mayor of Municipality of Bitola, PhD. Vladimir Taleski, the Greek Consul Mrs. Elena Porici, the deputy mayor of Municipality of Floria, Mr. Aris Aristidou, the Head of CDPPR, Mrs. Emilia Geroska and the Director of the Zoo Garden Bitola, Mr. Kosta Neshkovski. The reconstruction activities, foreseen investment of 400.000,00 Euros, for the reconstruction of 6 enclosures at the ZOO Gardenn Bitola: fox and raccoon, monkeys, bear lynx and tiger, lion and farm, as well as two complementary facilities: Ticket Shop and Entry.The reconstructed enclosures will be in compliance with the standards and recommendations of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria-EAZA in which the Zoo Garden Bitola has the status of a candidate for membership.