On 30.10.2012 in the premises of the Centre for Development of Pelagonia region a press conference was held at which the media and the general public in Pelagonija were informed about approved project of this institution. Among other things, the most important credentials of the project were presented:
Project Title: Innovative educational programmes enhancing the environmental resources of the cross-border region Pelagonija/Florina
Acronym: ZOO Inovativa
Overall objective: To contribute towards enhancement of the environmental resources in the cross border region of Pelagonija/Florina.
Submitted under: European Union Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance Component 2 - Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Greece - Republic of Macedonia, second call, Priority Axis 2 - Enhancing the environmental resources, Measure 2.1 Promotion and protection of the environment.
Partners in the project:
- Centre for Development of Pelagonia region
- Regional Development Agency of Florina (ANFLO)
- Municipality of Bitola
- Municipality of Florina
- Zoo Bitola
Duration of the project: 18 months
Project Budget: approximately EUR 1.17 million
The project will be renovated following zhivelishta / facilities:
- Pharm
- Fox / Raccoons
- Bear / Lynx
- Tiger
- Monkeys
- Lion
- Ticket Shop / Portal