Center for Development of Pelagonian region together with the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of the Republic of Macedonia and the Netherlands organized a meeting on "Regional Waste Management" held on 28.05.2013 in Millennium Hotel in Bitola, starting at 10:00.
The purpose of the meeting was to exchange knowledge about the regional waste management between the region and Goii and Vershteck from the Netherlands and Pelagonia and Southwest region of the Republic. Macedonia.
At the meeting, present were Dutch guests from the local government of Netherlands, deputy mayors of Bussum, Mr. Gerard Boekof and Weesp, Mr. Jean van de Hoeven, as the CEO and director of development and innovation of regional company GAD.
From Macedonia, the meeting was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, Administration for the Protection of the Environment, as well as mayors, municipal inspectors and directors of public utility companies from the municipalities in Pelagonia and Southwest regions.