On 9th of June 2014 at Hotel Lake View in Oteshevo was held presentation of the feasibility study: “Alternative business models for utilization of apples ", organized by the Center for Development of Pelagonija Region and USAID Small Business Expansion Project implemented by Carana Corporation.
The study was prepared by Point Pro consultancy from Skopje, as a pilot project for the LOCAL ACTION GROUP PRESPA formed within Pelagonija LEADER Project.At the event were presented the different business models that relate to relatively small local businesses to produce high quality, branded products of apples: apple juice, apple wine, apple wine and vinegar combined, apple brandy, apple chips and apple concentrate.On the event attended the Mayor of Municipality of Resen, the Director of Center for Development of Pelagonija region, representatives of USAID Small Business Expansion Project, representatives from the private and public sectors of the Prespa region, farmers and fruit growers of Prespa and NGOs. At the event officially was handed over the registration form of the Association for Rural Development LOCAL ACTION GROUP PRESPA Resen to the President of the Association.