From 06th – 16th of June 2014, within the PeLAGonija LEADER project were held the last 3 workshops for developing strategies for the three Local Action Groups: PRESPA LAG, PELAGONIJA LAG and AGRO LIDER LAG. At the last workshop were defined indicators, measures and actions arising from the strategic objectives and priorities of the Local Action Groups.
Members of the Lags with their activity and commitment defined the needs of each territory of the LAGs, in this manner productively and successfully completed the last workshop. As a result of a series of workshops that were held in the previous 4 months for each Local Action Group, strategies will be developed that will be crucial in the work of the LAGs.As part of the activities of PeLAGonija LEADER project is the study trip in Croatia, at the LAG Festival, where members of the LAGs of Pelagonija region will have the opportunity to share positive experiences and good practices with more than 50 LAGs from Croatia and neighboring countries.Also as the last activity for this year of PeLAGonija LEADER project is three-day training on project cycle management where members of the Local Action Groups will have the opportunity to increase their knowledge in writing, management, implementation and evaluation of projects.