European commission for countries member candidates of European Union (EU), have developed several instruments or so called funds (Community programs, Instruments for accessible support, European instruments for democracy etc.). The community program represents integral set of activities carried by the EU with a purpose to promote the collaboration between the countries members in different segments connected to politics in duration of few years. Programs have been made for the countries members of EU, and for the countries candidates for EU membership, where some of the programs have been available to Macedonia as well.
1.PROGRESS – Community program for employment and social solidarity.Program in the period of 2007-2013 comprises employment, social protection and social inclusion, working condition, anti discrimination, and gender equality.
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2.Europe for Citizens – EACEA – Community program for promoting active European citizenship. During 2007 – 2013 program supports wide activity spectrum, including fraternization, research, events, volunteering, protection of historical places, and archives. Program consists of four steps.
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3.Youth in Action – Community program for the youth – during 2007-2013 has purpose to motivate the sense for active European citizenship, solidarity and tolerance among the European youth. Offers support for informal and continuous education of the youth (13 to 30 years old, volunteer and student exchange, activities in the democratic process, trainings, youth organization. Program is consisted of five themes.
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4.Lifelong learning - LLL – during 2007-2013 program offers financing of the organizations/institutions included in the educational system with a purpose to make contribution to the society, and tenable economical development, more available jobs and social cohesion. Program is consisted of four sub programs: Comenius – for high schools, Erasmus – university education, Leonardo da Vinci – qualified education and trainings, and Grundvig – education for the elderly, as well as Monet – European studies for university educational institutions. More information on:
5.Culture – this program has a purpose to improve the cultural European field, based on mutual cultural heritage through the activities of the mutual collaboration between the countries. This program is consisted of three components: Support to the cultural projects, Analyses support, gathering and distribution of information to maximize the influence of the projects made out of the cultural collaboration.
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6.Media – the program supports the development and the expansion of the movies, trainings, festivals and audio visual promotions around Europe. The program has a purpose to strengthen the audio visual sector and the competitiveness, as an expression to preserve the cultural identity and heritage in Europe.
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7.Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme – CIP – the purpose of this program is to motivate the competitiveness of the small and medium companies. Program supports innovative activities and gives services to support the business in the region, as well as, the use of communication technology and development of the informative society. It is consisted of three sub programs: Program for entrepreneurial and innovations (EIP), Program for support of the politics and communication technology (IKT PSP) and Intelligent energy Europe (IEE). More information on :
8.European Social Fund – ESF – fund has been created to decrease the risk of the living standard and to improve the EU countries in promoting the social and economical cohesion. In fact, ESF is directed towards the employment, working conditions and work qualification in EU, and is open to the countries candidates for EU membership.
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9. 7th Framework Programme – FP7. Program has a purpose to respond the EU needs about employment, competitiveness, and living quality. There are five themes in the program: collaboration, capacities, ideas, people, and Euratom.
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Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance – IPA is integrated instrument for accessible support intended for the countries candidates or possible candidates for EU membership. It replaces five previous programs and instruments (FARE, KARDS etc.). The main goal is to support the countries in fulfilling the criteria for EU membership from Copenhagen therefore establishing solid institutions which will guarantee the democracy, will be leaders in the business economy, implementing the European laws and regulations, and will represent responsibilities for EU membership. The following are the components of the IPA program:
Component 1: Support in the period of transition and institutional superstructure – the component includes measurements for institutional building and relevant investments, as well as measurements for transition and stabilization much needed in the Western Balkan countries. It is made through annual national and multi beneficiary programs. It includes strengthening the democratic institutions, and law domination, promoting the basic rights and freedom, reforms in public administration, and in the house of legislative and internal affairs, strengthening the business economy, development of the civil society, implementing social dialogue, promoting the integration of the minorities, etc.
Component 2: Cross border cooperation – the cross border program includes the cooperation between the countries members of EU and the countries candidates, as well as the countries possible candidates for EU membership. Projects which have been supported by this component refer to the promotion tenable economical and social development at the cross border countries, combined efforts in the mutual challenges, like, environment, natural and cultural heritage, public health care, prevention in the organized crime, securing effective and safe borders, promotion of the mutual activities including the cross border inhabitants.
Component 3: Regional development – This component includes financing investments and accompanied technical support in the transport section (for example road infrastructure), measurements for environment and tenable development (energy effectiveness and energy regeneration), economy development (improving of the regional competitiveness).
Component 4: Development of the human resources – This component has been designed to strengthen the human capital (similar as ESF). Activities included in this component are mainly focused toward the employment, the approach of the employment, increasing the adaptability of the employers, improving the conditions and management of the economical changes, prevent the unemployment, and prolonging the employment age, strengthening the social inclusion and integration of the people with special needs, struggle against all discrimination, promoting partnerships, strengthening the institutional capacity and effectiveness of the public administration and pubic services on national, regional and local level.
Component 5: Rural development (IPARD) – This component includes financing of the rural areas, concerning the development in the agriculture of the rural areas. Priorities of the IPARD component are: Improving the business effectiveness and implementing the EU standards, Preparation activities for implementing agro ecological measurements and LEADER approach, Development of the rural economy.